FFGC District IV Spring Meeting 2022
The Bartram Garden Club hosted the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, District IV Spring meeting in Fernandina Beach on May 13, 2022. The meeting was held at the GFWC Woman’s Club of Fernandia Beach facility and was attended by over 70 members from around the district. The meeting was moderated by District Director Connie Gladding who presented various awards to clubs and club members. The keynote speaker was Bartram Garden Club member Marianne Salas who gave a fascinating presentation on the history of Gerbing Gardens on Amelia Island. Below are links to both Connie and Marianne’s presentations and a gallery of photos from the meeting.
Click on any image to view it full screen, and to click through the series.
Scenes from the FFGC District IV Spring Meeting
May 13, 2022
Hosted by the Bartram Garden Club in Fernandina Beach
Christmas Wreath Workshop
December 2022
Members of the Bartram Garden Club created Christmas wreaths out of recycled wine bottle corks and other materials. In addition to creating wreaths for themselves the members made 67 wreaths for the Meals on Wheels program so that recipients could enjoy a little decoration with their meals.