A gallery of photos from our club's activities.

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Mailbox Designs for Christmas 2018

During a greenery workshop at the December meeting of the Bartram Garden Club, Inc., members made these mailbox decorations from various plant materials and accessories.

Interpretative Floral Designs and FOL Artist Reception

Friends of the Library invited members to offer floral designs which interpret photos on display at the Community Room. Designs and photos of flowers taken by photographer Stephan Leimburg, were viewed by the community during an artist reception sponsored by FOL. Pictured are Carolyn Stevens, Kathleen Lunman and Beverly Williams with the photograph they chose to interpret.

September 15, 2018

Photos From Open House Reception and Community Outreach Program

Featuring artist, author and Florida parks ambassador Kathy Stark
October 11, 2018

Spring Symposium February 28 - March 1, 2018

Club members contributed designs for practice point scoring at the FFGC Spring Symposium in Fernandina Beach. A Featured Plant design was exhibited by Mariette Wooden. Carolyn Stevens created a Low-Profile design. Congratulations to these awesome ladies for enduring the wrath of 60 judges who evaluated their designs!

Featured Design

Flamingo interpretation by member Fran Kienle for club meeting.