Plant-A-Tree Project
Formerly: Penny for Pines Project
Saving Forests $50 At a Time
NGC and the USDA Forest Service formed a partnership to sustain our national and urban forests through this reforestation/forest education program. The Bartram Garden Club, Inc. participates in this meaningful and practical conservation project to replant trees indigenous to a particular damaged area. Whether by fire or by other natural catastrophe, pine trees and other trees are replaced. During every meeting club members contribute pocket change which, when totals $50.00, will be sent to National Garden Clubs and will be used to plant 350 pine seedlings. Under a Conservation agreement, the Forest Service will do the planting, using these donations together with Federal funds. Planting sites are selected by the Supervisor of each National Forest. The club makes several contributions to NGC every year.
Congratulations Florida Garden Clubs! FFGC contributed the most donations from the Deep South Regions during the period March 2019 to April 2020.
For more information about how to contribute to the state of your choice, check out the NGC web page by clicking here.