May 2023 Club Meeting and Luncheon

The May 11, 2023 club meeting marked the end of our fiscal year with a celebratory luncheon and installation of new officers for the next term. Special guest Hal London was presented with a commemorative citation from National Garden Clubs for a donation to the Penny Pines program. The special donation was made by the Bartram Garden Club in memory of Reha London, Hal’s mother and beloved charter member of the Club.

New officers for the 2023-2025 term are Co-Presidents Kathye Reily and Karen Reily,
Vice President Linda Broadrick, Treasurer Pam Dawson and Recording Secretary Jill Guenther.


2023-2025 Club Officers

L-R: Recording Secretary Jill Guenther, Co-President Karen Reily, Vice President Linda Broadrick, Treasurer Pam Dawson, and Co-President Kathye Reily.

Outgoing 2022-2023 Officers:

Co-President Bev Williams, Parliamentarian Kathye Reily, Co-President Deb Walton, Vice President Betty Raker, Treasurer Kathleen Lunman, Secretary Linda Broadrick.

Special Guest Hal London and Co-President Bev Wiliams

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