Down the Rabbit Hole

An NGC Small-Standard Flower Show

The Bartram Garden Club, Inc. hosted our first NGC Small-Standard Flower Show at the Nassau County Public Library in Fernandina Beach on April 14 & 15, 2023. The show was titled Down the Rabbit Hole and was free and open to the public. The show was judged by NGC Acredited Flower Show Judges and NGC ribbons were awarded as merited. The show consisted of Horticulture, Design, Education and Botanical Arts Divisions. Floral design types featured were Line-Mass, Petites, Transparency and Trays. Horticulture included cut flowers and foliage, container-grown and collections. Botanical Arts exhibits were wreath designs, fairy gardens and nature photography. The educational exhibition was “What is a Federated Garden Club? and included FFGC and NGC pamphlets, as well as club brochures.

Click here to read the Schedule

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Botanical Arts - Horticulture

Botanical Arts - Design


Special Interest


