It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

On Thursday, December 13, 2018, The Bartram Garden Club meeting did indeed look a lot like Christmas with red and white flowers, greenery, ribbons and bows! Picture this – tables lined the length of the room stacked with flowers and a vast array of fresh greenery. All waiting for our busy little fingers!

First on the agenda was the assignment of designing fragrant greenery and lovely flowers into Christmas mugs to be delivered to the Council-on-Aging, who in turn would deliver them to Meals-on-Wheels families. Of course the Oasis was the first task. Such technical instruction as “just pretend you are whittling, and whittle until it fits” came from our own Kathleen. So, whittle we did and the results were fifty-eight beautifully designed mugs.

Now, let’s get on to the floral cages for our mailboxes. Greenery was flying around the room in a blur. Laughter was heard from every table. I was amazed at the generous offers to help each other, while I, being new at this, was vigilantly protecting every piece of precious material! Those lined tables were becoming empty at rapid speed.

The final project involved the redesigning of a magnolia flower using “repurposed” magnolia leaves and pine cones. I cannot imagine how long it took to spray paint those petals, but they created the most elegant decoration for any home! Many thanks go to our president, Beverly, for doing that task for us.

This was a day of great fun along with a feeling of accomplishment by helping to brighten the holidays for others. It was also a day of camaraderie among the members; an important time of getting to know each other just a little better.