Landscape Design School 3

Ribault Garden Club Facility
Jacksonville Beach, FL
January 31 & February 1, 2023

PDF copies of the presentations given by the subject speakers at the Landscape Design School series 38 Course 3.
Click on the link associated with each presentation to read or download a copy.

(Some of these files are quite large and my take a while to download)

Presenter: Larry Figart
Extension Agent, Urban Forestry
Duval County Extension Service
Woody Plants in the Landscape

Presenter: Nathan Sellers
Associate at Marquis, Lattimer and Halback
Graphics Interpretation

Presenter: Rhonda Gracie
Horticulturist, University of North Florida
Landscape Design with Maintenance in Mind

Presenter: Cynthia Nazario-Leary
Environmental Horticulture Extension Agent
Alachua County Extension Service
Herbaceous Materials in the Landscape

Presenter: Keith Fuller
Horticulturist, Landscape Consulting and Design
Water Management in the Landscape

Presenter: Gail Hansen, PhD
Department of Environmental Horticulture
NGC Landscape Design Process
NGC Drawing a Plant Plan

Some Other Useful Links

LDS3 Required Reading
National Gardener article

LDS3 Student Packet
(Note: It is recommended that you download this file to your computer before printing it.)

Circle Template Information