Landscape Design School 2

Ribault Garden Club Facility
Jacksonville Beach, FL
November 1 & 2, 2022

PDF copies of the presentations given by the subject speakers at the Landscape Design School series 38 Course 2.
Click on the link associated with each presentation to read or download a copy.

(Some of these files are quite large and my take a while to download)

Presenter: Leslee Keys, PhD
Principal, Keys and Associates
Preservation of Historic Sites and Structures

Presenter: Rhonda Gracie
Horticulturist, University of North Florida
Accessible, Enabling and Therapeutic Gardens

Presenter: Tonya Ashworth
Extension Agent, Environmental Horticulture and Master Gardener Coordinator
UF/IFAS Extension Duval County
Garden Certification Checklist
Habitats for Bees, Birds & Butterflies

Presenter: Danielle Faustini,
Landscape Designer
Structures in the Landscape

Presenter: Taylor Clem. PhD
County Extension Director
Horticulture Extension Agent II
UF/IFAS Extension Nassau County
Gardens of the World, The North American Landscape

Presenter: Gail Hansen, PhD
Department of Environmental Horticulture
The Landscape Design Process
Site Inventory and Analysis Checklist, Handout #2
Client Interview Questionnaire, Handout #4

Presenter: Keith Fuller
Horticulturist, Landscape Consulting and Design
Plants in the Landscape
Site-Specific Landscapes
Redesign of Areas

Presenter: Julio Perez
Horticulture Agent I, UF/IFAS Putnam County
Overused, Often Invasive Plants and Native Alternatives

Some Other Useful Links

Jim Davis’s Blog
Author at UF/IFAS Extension Hernando County

Ask IFAS: Invasive Plants