Proudly Serving Amelia Island and the Nassau County Area


The Bartram Garden Club, Inc. was chartered in September 2016. Our mission is promoting the love of gardening, floral design, civic beautification and environmental responsibility in our community.

We meet the second Thursday of the Month – September thru May at the GFWC Woman's Club of Fernandina Beach 201 Jean Lafitte Blvd, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 at 10:15am with social time starting at 10am.

We are a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. and the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and we strive to support their objectives and projects.

Membership is open to all regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, physical ability or religious affiliation.


The Bartram Garden Club, Inc. is a 501(c)3 educational organization focusing primarily on:

Floral Design




Join The Bartram Garden Club, Inc. and become an active member of this great organization.

Next Club Meeting

April 10, 2025

10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

GFWC Woman's Club of Fernandina Beach
201 Jean Lafitte Blvd
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034

Program: Habitats for Bees, Birds, and Butterflies
Tonya Ashworth, Duval County UF/IFAS Extension Agent

Calendar of Events & Meetings


Items of Note

Most Recent Club Activities, Education and Service to our Community

Florida Arbor Day Celebration

Our Florida Arbor Day celebration was on January 19, 2024. We planted of a Weeping Yaupon Holly at the entrance of Fort Clinch in Fernandia Beach. The presentation was well attended by the community and members. 100 Live Oak seedlings were given away in recognition of FFGC’s 100 years of service, giving us the opportunity to emphasize the important role trees play in our maritime ecosystem. Pictured above are some of the club members who attended the celebration.


Sponsors Spotlight

Visit our sponors’ websites below

Liberty Landscape Supply
Magnolia Sponsor

Dottie “B” Florist
Magnolia Sponsor

Hagan Hardware
Holly Sponsor

Grace and Truth Rides
Wax Myrtle Sponsor

Amelia’s Native Wildflowers, LLC
Holly Level

Become a corporate or individual sponsor:
Click here for the application form.

Monarch Migration
in Nassau County Celebration

Saturday, October 12, 2024
Fernandina Beach Train Depot Butterfly
Garden Park. Members shared with the
public information about gardening for
butterflies, their migration routes, non-invasive milkweeds and
how to prevent the spread of OE disease. 200 seed packets of non-
invasive pollinator-friendly plants were given away in celebration of COFB’s Bicentennial. Read the article here.


Why Join a Federated Garden Club?

Bartram Garden Club is one of only two Florida Federated Garden Clubs in Nassau County.

Those who join The Bartram Garden Club automatically become a member of our state affiliate, The Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. and national affiliate, National Garden Clubs, Inc.

FFGC amplifies the opportunities beyond the borders of our local club. Diverse educational programs and outreach opportunities to the public are available to all FFGC clubs.

Girl Scout Wildflower Program

Every spring Youth Chairman Deb Walton conducts a “Wild About Wildflowers” educational program for 4th grade Girls Scouts. The girls are presented with the Florida State Wildflower plant — Coreopsis, and they earn the beautiful NGC/FFGC wildflower patch.

Adopt-A-Park, Online Butterfly Courses, Bartram Trail designations, NGC Blue and Gold Star Memorial Markers, Coral Restoration, Florida Wildflowers, Garden Therapy, Habitat for Humanity, Invasive Plants & Species awareness, NGC Plant-A-Tree (formerly Penny Pines), Roadside Beautification, Reclamation and Recycling, and Youth Activities are just a few ways FFGC extends services to the community at large in Florida.

National Garden Clubs, Inc. additionally supports community gardens (Plant America, Feed America grants); gardening and horticulture education; environmental and conservation concerns; National Garden Week; Wildlife Habitat Certifications; Flower Show, Environmental, Gardening, and Landscape Design Schools; College Scholarships; and Natural Disaster Relief grants.

Click here to learn more about FFGC and National Garden Club programs.

Botanical Arts Garden Show

Using botanical arts horticulture and designs, the Club introduced the public to butterflies native to NE Florida, and the importance of gardening for pollinators. Displays, including fairy gardens, cut horticulture, and nature photography were exhibited
inside and in the landscape at the
Woman’s Club of Fernandina Beach. 234
ticket holders also viewed the release
of 100 painted lady butterflies in celebration of FFGC’s 100th anniversary.

FFGC 100th Anniversary

2024 marked FFGC’s 100th year of service. A Commemorative Centennial Quilt was unveiled at the annual convention in April 2024. Each state club was asked to contribute a personalized square. Below is the 8” square our member Frances Ambrose embroidered to represent The Bartram Garden Club. Thank you, Frances! We were pleased to see our club’s square revealed on the finished quilt.


Click here to read

The National Gardener

The National Gardener is only available online. Please use the link above to read all current and past issues.

Learn more about the travels of our namesake William Bartram,
America’s First Naturalist

See the video of our club participating in the Bartram Trail celebration on Egan’s Creek.


William Bartram Month Proclamation
See the news article here

Why we are Bartram